Odom's Christmas Eve

Cotton's Family 12
Tom's Family 2
Joyce's Family 20
James Family 0
Kay's Family 9
43 Odoms and Friends
After everyone or most came we had a delicious dinner and desserts. After dinner we started the annual $10 gift exchange / fight / steal game. First things that were fought for was a bag full of firecrackers, cordless screwdriver (I think I won that? I haven't seen it since that night. CHRISTOPHER where is it!) leather suitcase, foot soaker, Ten dollar bill, fold up chair, cookie jar, ...... Those were the first things that came to mine. It was fun and hard to keep up with what number we were on, do to all the exchanges going on. Justin Sims is still on my hit list by taken what ever I had. It was good to see everyone that I haven't seen since last Christmas Eve. The best part of the night is to see all the Children and Babies. Here are several photo from that night ENJOY!!!!!

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