Monday, January 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Stephanie

I'm a little late .........
On January 9, 1987 a little girl was born. Her name was Stephanie Dawn Watkins. On August 17, 2005, she married Brian Fraser. She is a Mother of two, Kaitlyn and baby Andrew. She is also a step mother to Andrew Fraser who also had his birthday this month, Happy Birthday Andrew. Stephanie is the daughter to the late Dan Odom and Granddaughter to the late Cotton Odom. Happy Birthday Stephanie we love you.

Sunday Sing

I was not blessed with a beautiful voice. But when you get a group of family together at a piano I don't sound that bad. Those that use to stand around me might say different but I don't care cause my heart was full. We are going to have a memory sing along, so sit back put on your memory caps and sing along. The memory today is all of us seating around Nannie and Papa's front room at the piano. Everyone grabbing a hymnal looking for the Song "I'll Fly Away" Nannie has her hymnal opened and seating in front of her. Can you see it? Now can you smell the song book? (OK, Time Out gotta go get a tissue.) OK, I'm back is everyone ready .............

Some glad morning when this life is o'er, I'll fly away; To a home on God's celestial shore, I'll fly away (I'll fly away).

Chorus: I'll fly away, Oh Glory I'll fly away; (in the morning) When I die, Hallelujah, by and by, I'll fly away (I'll fly away).

When the shadows of this life have gone, I'll fly away; Like a bird from prison bars has flown, I'll fly away (I'll fly away).

Chorus: I'll fly away, Oh Glory I'll fly away; (in the morning) When I die, Hallelujah, by and by, I'll fly away (I'll fly away).

Just a few more weary days and then, I'll fly away; To a land where joy shall never end, I'll fly away (I'll fly away).

Chorus: I'll fly away, Oh Glory I'll fly away; (in the morning) When I die, Hallelujah, by and by,
I'll fly away (I'll fly away).

I'll Fly Away Words and Music by Alfred E. Brumley

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
16. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."

That was fun, I use to love those sing-along. If our singing here on earth is fun can you just imagine how it will be in Heaven! God is so good! Have you had God speak to you by the words of a song or verses. I just reread the verses that came with the song. Today's sermon at Church was about Christ's Second Coming. He will come in a twinkling of a eye.... When I started this post, I had several songs that came to mind but this one just stuck. Now as I reread the verses above and the song. It goes along with today's sermon at Church this morning. Now what is God telling me? For some time God has been weighing on my heart about getting my life right with him and sharing with others because we never know when our time will come or his return. Or you prepared? Are you ready? I also wonder if this is why the first draft of this post was written and ready for me to post when I lost it. So I had to start from the beginning. In doing so that is when I reread the scripture above. So is God reminding me or you that is the question! I love you enough to write my thoughts and prayers.

Jesus, Thank You for my Family. Thank You for my wonderful memories, Thank you for loving me enough to send your Son to die on the Cross for me. Thank You for all you do in my life and for reminding me of my responsibility's here on earth. I also pray that anyone that reads this post will look into their own hearts to make sure that they know You for the only True God You are. The God of the songs we sing.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sunday Funnies

I hope everyone is having a Blessed Sunday. "GOD IS SO GOOD"! This funny was sent in a while ago from Danielle Colbert. Saturday I bought Carson and Conner both Superman PJ's--- of course Carson was so so excited over them so while I was getting Carson dressed Conner grabs his pants and starts dancing around the living room with them all excited (all b/c his brother was excited) then after I got Conner dressed they both ran threw the house so excited. It was priceless. :-)


Monday, January 22, 2007

Happy 50th Birthday Debra

50 years ago today, Tillman and Joyce Williams was blessed with a Beautiful baby Girl. On January 22, 1957, Debra Joyce Williams made her appearance. She is a mother of two to Jason and Juston Colbert, mother-in-law and best friend to Danielle Colbert, grandmother of two, Carson and Conner Colbert, and wife to Jimmy Simms. HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY DEBBIE! WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH.

Wow! What a Great Time.

I hope you all had fun! At lease my mother did Sunday by playing with this picture and adding the new wording on the marque. I wonder if any of this group would like to go on a back road scavenger hunt. LOL

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Conner!

Today is Conner Brock Colbert's First Birthday! He is the son of Jason and Danielle Colbert, Baby brother to Carson Colbert, Grandson to Debbie Sims, and Great-Grandson to Joyce Harbin. Happy Birthday Conner we Love you very much! Picture above was taken in July in Aunt Kay's Pool.
Picture on the left was taken at the Odom's Christmas Eve Gathering.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Saturday Night Visit to Aunt Ruby's

Aunt Ruby and Mom. Something was said that was funny?

Peggy, Mom (Kay), Milton
Aunt Ruby "A Beautiful Women - Inside and Out"
Mom (Kay), Aunt Joyce, and I went to visit Aunt Ruby and Milton a few days after Thanksgiving. We went so I could get extra help from Aunt Ruby. As most of you know I am trying to gather family history with old photos. Thank You Aunt Ruby for allowing Mom and I to go thru all your photos, and putting up with us. Here are a few Pictures we took that night. The Last Picture: Milton, Aunt Joyce, Peggy, Aunt Ruby, and Mom.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

More Christmas Eve with the Odom's .........

I want to take this time to thank Jason and Danielle for letting us all invade their home on Christmas Eve. (Click on a picture if you want to see it enlarged.) Please e-mail me pictures from your Christmas.

Odom's Christmas Eve

It was so good to see everyone that came to this years Christmas Eve gathering at Jason and Danielle's House. We had a full house. Those that were unable to come you were missed.

Cotton's Family 12

Tom's Family 2

Joyce's Family 20

James Family 0

Kay's Family 9
43 Odoms and Friends

After everyone or most came we had a delicious dinner and desserts. After dinner we started the annual $10 gift exchange / fight / steal game. First things that were fought for was a bag full of firecrackers, cordless screwdriver (I think I won that? I haven't seen it since that night. CHRISTOPHER where is it!) leather suitcase, foot soaker, Ten dollar bill, fold up chair, cookie jar, ...... Those were the first things that came to mine. It was fun and hard to keep up with what number we were on, do to all the exchanges going on. Justin Sims is still on my hit list by taken what ever I had. It was good to see everyone that I haven't seen since last Christmas Eve. The best part of the night is to see all the Children and Babies. Here are several photo from that night ENJOY!!!!!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

2006 National Champion

Picture from the Gainesville Sun Website. Yes, Gators ate some Heisman Buckeye meat! Florida is now National Champions in Football and Basketball. It's great to be a FLORIDA GATOR, say its Great to be a Duel National Champion Florida Gator........... GO GATORS!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Go Gators

Are you ready for some Football .... Some Gator football. I am looking forward the game tonight. All I want to see is my Gators eat some buckeyes for the new year. My hands are ready for some chopping. My Cheer for the game : What Do Gators eat Ohio State Buckeyes meat. YEA! GATORS

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Merry "OLD" Christmas

Today is Old Christmas. When I think of this date, I think of how Nannie "Lillie Mae" would always wait till the day after Old Christmas before she took down her Christmas tree. I also am reminded how special the date was between Nannie and Debbie, and how they always exchange a small gift. Old Christmas has many meanings to people all over the world ,here are just a few: Historians agree that Old Christmas arose from a change in calendars. In 1752 the government of Great Britain adopted the Gregorian calendar to replace the less accurate Julian calendar. To make the change, eleven days were dropped from the month of September 1752 in Britain and all of her colonies. This made Christmas day fall on December the 25th, but many continued to celebrate Christmas on the old date in January. Now days, our primary concern seems to be with Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. But our mountain ancestors, who studied with great attention, every detail of the Bible, the almanac, and the calendar, understood the Twelfth Day very well.
Twelve days after Christmas Day, December 25, twelve days after the birth of Christ, is January 6, the Day of Epiphany. Epiphany is a Greek word that means "appearance". The night preceding January 6 is the Eve of Epiphany. Most Western-Christian faiths believe that it was upon this night over 2000 years ago that the Three Wise Men came to Bethlehem to look upon the infant Jesus. Therefore, the Twelfth Day of Christmas is the commemoration of the day upon which Jesus appeared to the Gentiles, as Christ the Savior. I hope You have a great OLD CHRISTMAS!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I am Back! I have been busy so the month of December is missing. I have several post that never was finished to put on the blog and we have Birthdays that I still need to share. I also have pictures from our Odom Christmas Eve get together. So stay tune there is more to come.